Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Alternatives for Google-Search and Gmail

What did us the NSA scandal learn?  

  • 90% of all PC users are still using Windows, which provides back doors for the secret services, so that they could easier access data from suspects... Instead of using Linux.
  • 90% of all PC users are using Google-Search, even google is providing meta information derived from the search strings to the security services, instead of using REAL alternative search engines.
  • A lot of people are still having their Email with American Providers, even international security specialists do not advice at all, to keep your data (Email or what ever) with American  companies...
That's why I tried to find some alternatives in the Net, which provide similar services, but higher security for your data.

Let's start with Email services:

If you use google search (what everybody does, beside Chinese) and search for Gmail alternatives, you won't find much or good results... Most other services mentioned are hotmail, yahoo, which are NO alternatives, cause the data is still in USA! German providers like GMX or might be better from security reasons, but don't offer you unlimited webspace or imap-services... So if you are using google search to find alternatives for Gmail you come to the idea, that there are NO alternatives, which is not true at all!

To be honest I only found one alternative... it's, which is a Russian provider, is offering a powerful webmailer, which is as strong as Gmail from its functionality! And I rather give my data to the Russians, than to the Americans => Snowden even gives his Life to them!

And come to Search Engines:

Google search offers obviously as well not too many alternative search engines, it offers e.g. yahoo, baidoo, or bing and maybe Like with Email services, bing or yahoo are no alternatives, cause this are still American companies, and duckduckgo, which is a quite neat search engine (by the way also a US company) does not offer similar services like google search does (no pictures, no movies, ...)
Again seems to be the only service, which offers powerful search algorithms, fast search results and even picture and video searches.